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AMR Data Analysis Using Stata

Posted: 22 December 2021
Author: Julhas Sujan

About AMR and Stata

The IBM Stata software will help us to analyze the antimicrobial resistance data. We can use cross tabulation, pearson's chi-squared test, bar, pie, line, box, histogram, and regression analysis to determine frequency distributions.


  • Stata installtion
  • Import CSV data
  • Data cleaning
  • Frequency check
  • Number of isolates count by year
  • Cross tabulation
  • Pearson's Chi-squared test
  • Plotting results
  • Yearly antibiotics by organism

1. Stata installation

Visit the following website and follow the installation steps: https://julhas.com/jsedutech/materials/Level-1/Stata-Session-1.pdf

2. Import CSV/ Excel data

Visit the following website and follow the steps: https://julhas.com/jsedutech/materials/Level-1/Stata-Session-3.pdf


3. Data management

Visit the following website and follow the steps: https://julhas.com/jsedutech/materials/Level-1/Stata-Session-6.pdf

4. Frequency check

Frequency check - Gender, Year, Sample, Organism, Age group: A frequency distribution is a list, table or graph that displays the frequency of various outcomes in a sample.


tab sex
tab year
tab sample
tab organism

. count

. tab sex
        Sex |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          f |     13,568       57.96       57.96
          m |      9,843       42.04      100.00
      Total |     23,411      100.00

tab year
       Year |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
       2017 |      6,878       29.38       29.38
       2018 |      8,072       34.48       63.86
       2019 |      8,461       36.14      100.00
      Total |     23,411      100.00

. tab sample
     Sample |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
      Blood |      1,214        5.19        5.19
        Pus |      5,753       24.57       29.76
     Sputum |      1,079        4.61       34.37
      Stool |          2        0.01       34.38
      Urine |     12,814       54.73       89.11
 Wound Swab |      2,549       10.89      100.00
      Total |     23,411      100.00

. tab organism

             Organism |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
     Escherichia coli |     11,887       50.78       50.78
       Klebsiella sp. |      7,709       32.93       83.70
Staphylococcus aureus |      3,815       16.30      100.00
                Total |     23,411      100.00

5. Number of isolates count by year


count if year == 2019
tab amk if year == 2017


. count if year == 2019

. tab amk if year == 2017

        AMK |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          I |          2        0.03        0.03
          R |        999       14.91       14.94
          S |      5,697       85.06      100.00
      Total |      6,698      100.00

6. Cross tabulation

Cross tabulation: It is used to quantitatively analyze the relationship between multiple variables.

tab sex year 
tab organism year, col nofreq // Display only percentage
tab sample year, col // Number and percentage


. tab sex year 

           |               Year
       Sex |      2017       2018       2019 |     Total
         f |     4,038      4,602      4,928 |    13,568 
         m |     2,840      3,470      3,533 |     9,843 
     Total |     6,878      8,072      8,461 |    23,411 

. tab organism year, col nofreq // Display only percentage

                      |               Year
             Organism |      2017       2018       2019 |     Total
     Escherichia coli |     54.04      49.55      49.28 |     50.78 
       Klebsiella sp. |     28.58      34.64      34.83 |     32.93 
Staphylococcus aureus |     17.37      15.81      15.88 |     16.30 
                Total |    100.00     100.00     100.00 |    100.00 

. tab sample year, col // Number and percentage

| Key               |
|     frequency     |
| column percentage |

           |               Year
    Sample |      2017       2018       2019 |     Total
     Blood |       361        399        454 |     1,214 
           |      5.25       4.94       5.37 |      5.19 
       Pus |     1,578      1,979      2,196 |     5,753 
           |     22.94      24.52      25.95 |     24.57 
    Sputum |       336        376        367 |     1,079 
           |      4.89       4.66       4.34 |      4.61 
     Stool |         0          0          2 |         2 
           |      0.00       0.00       0.02 |      0.01 
     Urine |     3,993      4,256      4,565 |    12,814 
           |     58.05      52.73      53.95 |     54.73 
Wound Swab |       610      1,062        877 |     2,549 
           |      8.87      13.16      10.37 |     10.89 
     Total |     6,878      8,072      8,461 |    23,411 
           |    100.00     100.00     100.00 |    100.00 

7. Pearson's Chi-squared test

Pearson's Chi-squared test: Pearson's chi-squared test (χ2) is a statistical test applied to sets of categorical data to evaluate how likely it is that any observed difference between the sets arose by chance.

tabulate ageGroup1 sample, chi2
tabulate organism sample, chi2


. tabulate ageGroup1 sample, chi2

            |                              Sample
  ageGroup1 |     Blood        Pus     Sputum      Stool      Urine  Wound S.. |     Total
  <=4 Years |        47         66          0          1        241        202 |       557 
 5-14 Years |        21         54          2          0        103        347 |       527 
15-24 Years |        27        120         23          1        257        329 |       757 
25-34 Years |        34        299         41          0        731        328 |     1,433 
35-44 Years |       117        818         91          0      1,388        275 |     2,689 
45-54 Years |       247      1,580        215          0      2,792        404 |     5,238 
55-64 Years |       337      1,636        299          0      3,503        392 |     6,167 
>= 65 Years |       384      1,180        408          0      3,799        272 |     6,043 
      Total |     1,214      5,753      1,079          2     12,814      2,549 |    23,411 

         Pearson chi2(35) =  3.9e+03   Pr = 0.000

. tabulate organism sample, chi2

                      |                              Sample
             Organism |     Blood        Pus     Sputum      Stool      Urine  Wound S.. |     Total
     Escherichia coli |       640      1,041        105          2      9,800        299 |    11,887 
       Klebsiella sp. |       351      2,299        848          0      2,508      1,703 |     7,709 
Staphylococcus aureus |       223      2,413        126          0        506        547 |     3,815 
                Total |     1,214      5,753      1,079          2     12,814      2,549 |    23,411 

         Pearson chi2(10) =  9.9e+03   Pr = 0.000

8. Plotting results

// Histogram 
histogram age

// Box plot
graph box age

// Bar graph 
graph bar (count), over(ageGroup1) stack

// Bar graph with more than one categorical variables
graph bar (count), over(ageGroup1) over(sex) stack

// Pie chart
graph pie, over(sex)
graph pie, over(sex) title(Gender distribution)
graph pie, over(sex) title(Gender distribution) legend(on) scheme(s2color)


9. Yearly antibiotics by organism

tab amc year if organism == "Escherichia coli", col nofreq
tab amc year if organism == "Klebsiella sp.", col nofreq
tab amc year if organism == "Staphylococcus aureus", col

. tab amc year if organism == "Escherichia coli", col nofreq

           |               Year
       AMC |      2017       2018       2019 |     Total
         R |     75.14      70.07      73.57 |     72.84 
         S |     24.86      29.93      26.43 |     27.16 
     Total |    100.00     100.00     100.00 |    100.00 

. tab amc year if organism == "Klebsiella sp.", col nofreq

           |               Year
       AMC |      2017       2018       2019 |     Total
         R |     68.89      71.05      70.59 |     70.33 
         S |     31.11      28.95      29.41 |     29.67 
     Total |    100.00     100.00     100.00 |    100.00 

. tab amc year if organism == "Staphylococcus aureus", col

| Key               |
|     frequency     |
| column percentage |

           |               Year
       AMC |      2017       2018       2019 |     Total
         R |       412        446        530 |     1,388 
           |     38.98      36.44      40.30 |     38.60 
         S |       645        778        785 |     2,208 
           |     61.02      63.56      59.70 |     61.40 
     Total |     1,057      1,224      1,315 |     3,596 
           |    100.00     100.00     100.00 |    100.00